
Feb 27, 2017 22:38 · 215 words · 2 minutes read

This site exists to help me structure my thoughts around map design and the different ways people interact with these diagrams. One of the categories of posts on this site are called Map Cases and it is here that I review maps that I find about the place. I hope you find this series useful when you next go to create a map online.

In case you are wondering the domain name studiogaudi.com came to me more by accident than anything else. My brother’s middle name is Gaudi and this domain once belonged to him. He’s since abandoned it and now I am stuck with it. I don’t know if the great Antonio was into maps, but if he were it’s a surprise to me.

For the curious, the site is built using a static site generator called hugo and the look of the site stems from the hugo theme called cactus plus. I’ve made a few additions like the map banner at the top of every page. The banner randomly cycles through places I’ve lived, worked or been inspired by when I visited there. The styling of the map banner is based on Esri’s light grey basemap with a few tweaks to lend it more colour; the ocean is too beautiful to be grey.